real estate in richmond virginia
School Locator Links
Find the school that serves a particular neighborhood by using the School Locator links for the corresponding county. These links will tell what school your new home would be in.
City of Richmond Schools | Henrico County Schools | Chesterfield County Schools
Real Estate in Richmond Virginia | Zones and Map
Although, these areas don’t directly correspond to particular towns or counties, they do follow a general historical and geographical pattern. For example when searching for real estate in Richmond Virginia, you will see that each county or township is broken into several smaller areas that make searching a little bit easier. At Snipes Properties, we actually recommend that our clients use zip code or school district as a handy way to divide up a search for real estate in Richmond Virginia. Once you get to know the areas that the real estate community uses, then it’s easy, but when you are first starting your search for real estate in Richmond Virginia it can be easier to use a system that you are more familiar with like zip codes or school districts. We’ve links to area school locator tool, a zip code map and a map of the areas that the Realtor community divides real estate in Richmond Virginia into. (See Below) If you’d like more information about searching for Real Estate in Richmond Virginia please email our award winning team of Richmond Va Realtors at info@SnipesProperties and we will answer any of your questions.
Richmond Va Real Estate Community Map by Area or Zone:
Area 10: City of Richmond, Area 20: West End, Richmond City, Area 22: Far West End, Henrico, Area 24: Goochland County, Area 30: Northside, Richmond City, Area 32: Northside, Henrico County, Area 36: Hanover County, Area 39: Ashland, Area 40: Southeastern Henrico, Area 42: Eastern Henrico County, Area 44: Hanover County, Area 45: King William County, Area 46: New Kent County, Area 48: Charles City County, Area 52: Eastern Chesterfield, Area 54: Chesterfield County, Area 55: Colonial Heights, Area 56: Hopewell, Area 58: Prince George County, Area 59: Amelia & Dinwiddie, Area 60: Southside, Richmond, Area 62: Chesterfield/Midlothian, Area 64: Chesterfield/Midlothian, Area 66: Powhatan County
Working with a Great Realtor can make a World of Difference.
Having an experienced and successful Realtor as your agent can make a big difference when buying real estate. A lot of people that “have a license” are part-time or new to the business. The team at Snipes Properties is led by Carter and Annie Snipes, two of the most successful Realtors in the Richmond area. They consistently win awards from the Richmond Association of Realtors and have a loyal and satisfied following of current and past clients. For the past 3 years, they have ranked in the Top 1% of Realtors in the area. Whether buying or selling, they can handle your transaction smoothly and get you the best deal possible.
If you have questions please call our 24 Hour info line at 804-482-4200